Hydro RepairGel Horse

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Doderm Hydro RepairGel Horse is a skin care gel for horses, made with 100% natural ingredients, free from synthetic preservatives, and with a subtle lavender scent, making it very easy to apply. The gel was co-developed by veterinarians and extensively tested. In 2023, Hydro RepairGel Horse ranked in the top 30 of the Spoga Innovation Awards and was recognized as one of the best-tested products by ehorses.


The hydrogel is designed for the care of irritated skin in horses with conditions such as mud fever or summer eczema. It can also be used for wound care on small superficial abrasions. Additionally, it is suitable as "anti-flare-up" care to help manage the recurring inflammation of chronically irritated skin.

Doderm Hydro RepairGel can be used as a natural alternative to cortisone or antibiotics. It is also suitable as aftercare following intensive skin treatment with other products to stabilize the skin.

The hydrogel has a pH value adjusted to the horse's skin. It is easy to apply to the coat and penetrates the skin thanks to its consistency, where it is quickly absorbed.

Doderm Hydro RepairGel Horse comes in a practical 50 ml or 100 ml airless pump dispenser, making it easy to dose, economical to use, and protects the skin from airborne germs.

How does Doderm Hydro RepairGel work?

Doderm Hydro RepairGel addresses an imbalance in the skin's microbiome, which is associated with skin problems. When the microbiome returns to its natural balance, the skin heals and becomes resilient again.

To achieve this, we use the active antibodies from the surplus first milk of calving cows (colostrum). We supplement this with other building blocks such as ceramides, cholesterol, and lecithin to restore the skin barrier. We enhance this effect with additional plant extracts like witch hazel and balloon vine. Other natural ingredients, such as calendula and vitamins B, E, and A, stimulate skin regeneration and support it during long-term skin problems. We have enriched all these natural defenses with hyaluronic acid and glycerin to replenish the skin's lost moisture and nourish the good bacteria.

In this way, Doderm Hydro RepairGel enables the skin to regenerate naturally.


Doderm Hydro RepairGel Horse, like all other Hydro RepairGels from Doderm, is doping-free and safe for pregnant mares.

For the best results, apply a thin layer to the affected areas twice a day for 7 to 21 days. Our product is so natural that you can apply it with bare hands. Your hands will also thank you afterwards!

Customer Reviews

Based on 43 reviews
Alet de Hoop
Herstel gaat goed!

Alle plekjes op het hoofd zijn nagenoeg verdwenen. Ik weet niet wat het precies was. Maar na de repair gel werd het gelukkig snel minder.
Inmiddels is zijn hoofd weer glanzend zwart.

Anne Holster
Product doet wat het beloofd

Helpt de huid écht herstellen
Smeert prettig
Voortaan altijd in mijn stalapotheek

Jan van Rens
Hydro Repairgel Horse

Ik gebruik de gel nu een week. De mokkorstjes worden wel iets zachter maar verder nog geringe verbetering. Gezien de korte periode van gebruik hoop ik dat de situatie wel spoedig gaat verbeteren.

inge alberti
doderm zalf paard

mijn paard had veel last van jeuk vooral onder de buik. doderm zalf werd aanbevolen door de dierenarts dus heb ik het besteld.Na een paar dagen smeren al gelijk resultaat heel blij dat mijn paard nu rustig is ,ze was met het voorbeen tegen de buik aan het klauwen en ging steeds liggen om dan met de buik over de achterbenen heen te schuren. Nu gestopt met smeren en het blijft rustig heel blij met het resultaat.

Gusje Hoogenraad

Ik vind de zalf goed werken. De flacon is ook goed doseerbaar.